LD SUSSEX DECORATION put safety first.

Our on-site operatives are highly skilled and all works are overseen by a designated Project Managers.

All LD SUSSEX DECORATION staff undergo strict ongoing training to ensure standards are met and that customers, their properties and the staff themselves are fully protected.

We adhere to current legislations and our safety procedures as outlined below:

•    All our operatives are Health & Safety CSCS qualified
•    All our works are preceded with a Risk Assessment and Method Statement     (RAMS)
•    We provide our own general Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
•    All operatives hold Health & Safety manuals
•    We put up warning signage, safety barriers and cordon off where necessary
•    We provide information on the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
•    Cherry Picker/Access Platform operators hold appropriate IPAF licences
•    We supply product data sheets

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